May – June 2015



The May/June 2015 issue has a lot of surprises inside.

  • Our cover gal is one of the top female race car drivers in the world.  She has a vegan and eco-friendly message that is reaching a whole new crowd!
  • As the cover promises, we have scientific information on how to cure menstrual cramps!  These herbal teas work wonders!
  • Have you heard the buzz about nitrates in vegetables giving athletes a performance boost?  We get to the bottom of if and give you a list of the best vegetables to put in your training diet.  Hint: there are some surprises and probably some foods you didn’t know would benefit you so much!
  • Read the results from the first ever Vegan Global Run (as reported to us by the time we went to print), along with photos of athletes from all over the world who ran together in vegan love!
  • Get the buzz on honey.  Why don’t vegans eat honey?  We investigate and bring you information you may not have heard before.
  • Columns on topics like vegan travel, vegan moms and our fabulous mature herbivores!
  • Lots of yummy and healthy recipes!
  • Workout with fitness model Mindy Collette— yoga with a fun new twist using a new fitness gadget!

Browse the digital issue or buy in print.


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