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*Our address has changed. Please contact Customer Service for our current address. 

Note: If you have a product that you would like to have us review (book, vegan food, clothing, etc.) you may send it to the same address above. Please bear in mind that we are a vegan magazine, thus all products and recipes must be vegan (no honey or other animal derived products please). If you are sending a book or other item that you feel needs padding PLEASE DO NOT SEND ENVELOPES THAT ARE PAPER, LINED WITH BUBBLE WRAP!  THESE ARE NOT RECYCLABLE. IT IS IRRESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE WHO CARES ABOUT THIS PLANET TO USE THEM.  ALL ITEMS IN SUCH ENVELOPES WILL BE RETURNED TO SENDER UNOPENED. If you must use bubble wrap, use it separated from the envelope so that it can be recycled, or use a completely plastic envelope lined with bubble wrap so that it can be recycled with other plastic bags.  Thank you.